Examining My Inner Sluggard | The Wisdom of Ants
Welcome Sluggards! You’ve reached Part Three in "The World of Ants: The Wisdom of Ants." Find the previous parts, “Go to the Ant,” and, “An Ant’s Ways,” at these respective links.
To begin, let’s define sluggard.
According to Dictionary.com, a sluggard is:
“A person who is habitually inactive
or lazy.”
Again, your initial reaction is
likely to check out. “Nope. I told you. Not me.”
Or (like mine was), “Oh, yes. There
are definitely people out there who need this verse.” Which is checking out by
But I argue that ALL OF US are
sluggards in some aspects of our lives. Maybe you work hard at your job but are
a sluggard when you get home. Or maybe the work others see is outstanding, both
in your place of employment and home; it’s the areas you can’t see that are
lacking: The relational and spiritual aspects of your life are where you’re a
sluggard. Or maybe it ebbs and flows: You’re really on a roll, keeping up pace,
meeting all your mind, body, and soul goals for a while, but something throws a
monkey wrench in your plans and you let some of it slide. You find yourself
rationalizing your laziness:
The reality is, we choose how to spend our time, and I’m willing to guess each one of us is guilty of being a sluggard in various vital aspects of our life at some point or another, and all have lessons to learn from the ant. So, take a minute. Go inside yourself with a magnifying glass and answer the question:
Where in my life am I a sluggard?
the following areas:
Responsibilities (Consider both outside
and inside the home.)
Relationships (Consider family, friends,
self, colleagues.)
Preparing for the Future (Consider
personal and professional.)
Life Fulfillment (Does my schedule
reflect what I believe is important?)
Trust (What motivates my decision making?
Why do my choices matter?)
To help you, use this “Examining My Inner Sluggard” companion guide along with the “An Ant’s Ways”
companion guide.
Now, answer the question. Write
your answer down, or make sure it is firmly planted in your brain before you
In what area of my life am I a
As I looked back over my notes, I
realized I am being a sluggard in EVERY area of my life in one way or another.
I wanted to push the magnifying glass away; the heat was getting to me. BUT
there is hope, friends. Hope in the ant.
Upcoming posts will outline wisdom
I gleaned from ants. But I would love to hear what wisdom YOU gathered. So, if
you would, consider shooting me an email (mrs@wolfestew.com).
We have a lot to learn from each other, and I am certain you will find morsels
of wisdom that I left behind. We sluggards have to work together!
Until next time, Fellow Stones,
find hope in knowing that you are not
alone. You, like the ants, are watched over (Psalm
121:5-8 NIV Bible Gateway) in the strength (Psalm
28:7 ESV Bible Gateway) and love (I
John 4:16 ESV Bible Gateway) of Our Heavenly Father who is
faithful (2
Thessalonians 3:3 RSV Bible Gateway). Keep marching, Sluggards!
We’re marching two-by-two.
If you're ready to march onward to the next stop in the ant series, "As Penned by Solomon," awaits you.
With Love and Prayers,
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