September Week 1 | An Idea for Every Day
(Updated 4/19/2022.) Three and a half days. That’s all the Mr. was given to set up before the first day of school. In a new grade level. In an unfamiliar teaching format. Challenge accepted. Blessing acknowledged. You know, I’ve heard story after story testifying that when God moves, He waits until what seems like the very last minute. This was precisely our experience of Him. At the end of last school year, the Mr. decided he wanted to secure a job with the district in which we live, thereby affording him the opportunity to insert himself in the activities of the community (the district in which he taught previously was a 45-minute drive – hardly conducive to community engagements). We held our breath all summer as interview after interview came and went with no admittance into the local school district, even though many seemed promising. Finally, with 3 ½ days before school started, the Mr. was hired as a third-grade online teacher in our local school district. A challenge? Yes.