
Showing posts from February, 2023

Proverbs 31: Week 8 | The Wolfe Notes

Welcome to Week 8 of Proverbs 31! This week we're talking about uplifting each other and we're doing it by studying gates, relationship roles, and God. If you'd like to go back to one of our previous stops, let our " Wolfe Notes " guide you.  Week One  set the background for our study and defined valuable.  Week Two  began our examination of Proverbs 31:10.  Week Three  finished our interpretation of Proverbs 31:10 and introduced Proverbs 31:29. Week Four  delved into Proverbs 31:29 research and interpretations. Week Five  wrapped up valuable and introduced uplifting. Week Six  focused on Proverbs 31:11. Week Seven wrapped up Proverbs 31:11 and introduced 31:23. If you're ready to travel with us, welcome! Grab your February calendar with daily activities, the lamp for your feet (the Bible ), and let's get going! We're journeying through the concluding poem of Proverbs  and we're so glad you decided to walk along this road with us! Imagine as we w

Tell a Fairy Tale Day | JOY for Today

What's your favorite fairy tale? What part of it brings you JOY? Now, find a way to connect that JOY to your life. While you may not encounter any dragons, fairies, or poisoned apples today, we do believe your happily ever after is coming. JOY for Today Offerings: Did You Know...  Three we didn't. Wolfe Stew Connects  To a fairy tale life. Bible Verses and Quotes  About fairy tales. Activity Suggestions  for telling and discussing fairy tales. Last Year's Post : Ash Wednesday Day (46 days before Easter) Did You Know: Fairy tales are not just for kids? Fairy tales, loosely defined, are stories with mythical creatures, a plot centered on good versus evil, and are told from generation to generation. Some fairy tales are written with children in mind, and others for adults. Many of the popular fairy tales we know today were originally written for adults but altered for children. ( American Literature   and Love to Know ) The Grimm Brother's tales and Hans Christian Anderson

Proverbs 31: Week 7 | The Wolfe Notes

Our  2023 GROWTH for Today journey  guides us through the description of the concluding poem of  Proverbs . If you haven't joined yet, we'd love to have you. Each month, we're focusing on a different virtue found in Proverbs 31.  For February , that virtue is UPLIFTING. Below summarizes where our journey has taken us so far. Week One  set the background for our study and defined valuable.  Week Two  began our examination of Proverbs 31:10.  Week Three  finished our interpretation of Proverbs 31:10 and introduced Proverbs 31:29. Week Four  delved into Proverbs 31:29 research and interpretations. Week Five  wrapped up valuable and introduced uplifting. Week Six focused on Proverbs 31:11. In week seven, we are wrapping up Proverbs 31:11 and introducing Proverbs 31:23. What follows are our notes and thoughts about these verses. (Our personal thoughts are denoted by an *asterisk. Please do not read them as definitive answers; we are seekers too.) Contents: * Application  from t

March 2023 Calendars | Blank, Holidays, and Personal Growth

Move, keep [Marchin']. Soldier keep movin' on!  That song, " Move, (Keep Walkin') ," by Toby Mac, is one that often inspires me to keep going, which is exactly what we need this time of year. Spring Break is around the corner and your learners know it! What's more, you're also thinking about state testing, end of year evaluations, job security, and prep for the upcoming year. It's a lot, Leaders, but we know you have what it takes to make it through. Keep marching! Step-by-step. Before you know it, you will be at the end. What is your best advice to keep going even when it's tough, Leader? For us, it's making sure we take time to be honest with our feelings and address them. To focus on what is in front of us right now and let the future take care of itself. Be faithful in today and trust God for tomorrow, that's our marching cadence. We're praying for your endurance this month, Leaders! Here's what we're offering on the March 2

Be Humble Day | Joy for Today

The JOY of the Lord is our strength! ( Nehemiah 8:10 ) A choice to be humble takes great strength. So, it is a good thing that God offers you abundantly more than you can ever imagine! Let us trust in Him to help us lead and love in humility. JOY for Today Offerings: Did You Know...  One we did; four we never considered. Wolfe Stew Connects  To the model of humility. Bible Verses and Quotes  About humility. Activity Suggestions  to practice and discuss humility. Last Year's Post : Presidents' Day (February's Third Monday) Did You Know: Humility is often considered a negative character trait?  Commonly, people believe a humble person is self-degrading, insecure in their abilities, and lacks passion. Because of these misconceptions, workers who display humility are less likely to be promoted. Yet, in actuality, humility characterizes a person whose abundant confidence enables them to help others, allowing their actions to speak for them. ( Forbes ,  Time , and Aleteia ) Humbl

Proverbs 31: Week 6 | The Wolfe Notes

Our  2023 GROWTH for Today journey  guides us through the description of the concluding poem of  Proverbs . If you haven't joined yet, we'd love to have you. Each month, we're focusing on a different virtue found in Proverbs 31. For February , that virtue is UPLIFTING. Below summarizes where our journey has taken us so far. Week One  set the background for our study and defined valuable.  Week Two  began our examination of Proverbs 31:10.  Week Three  finished our interpretation of Proverbs 31:10 and introduced Proverbs 31:29. Week Four  delved into Proverbs 31:29 research and interpretations. Week Five wrapped up valuable and introduced uplifting. In week six, we are studying Proverbs 31:11. What follows are our notes and thoughts about this verse. (Our personal thoughts are denoted by an *asterisk. Please do not read them as definitive answers; we are seekers too.) Contents: About Husbands  from various sources and scriptures. About Spoil  from various sources and script