The Giving Tree | A Wolfe Stew Review

A classic tale, The Giving Tree will endear itself to you with its simple, heartfelt message. This Wolfe Stew Review includes: Target Audience including Wolfe Stew , AR, Lexile, and Amazon recommendations. Leader/Learner Descriptions - Notecard sized descriptions to display for learners or file for leaders. A Look at the Art - A brief peek into the type of art you'll encounter. Setting - Tells you where the story takes place. Main Characters - Name and introduction to the book's featured characters. Point of View - Identifies the point of view the author uses and how it affects the story. Conflicts - Relates the main conflicts encountered in the book. Themes - List of themes this book explores. Our Favorites - Character, quote, and scene. About the Author - Five fast facts. Academic Tie-Ins - Cross-curricular activities for classroom use. Websites to Explore - A list of websites related to the book or author. Target Audience ...