June - An Idea for Every Day - Week 1
(Updated 4/15/2022) It's June, friends! Well, nearly June. June is a favored month of mine. School's out, meaning long, lazy days, sunshine, family, and, of course, it also helps that it's my birthday month. What do you love about June? Look at the reasons we have lined up for you to celebrate this week (click on a link for more details): Smile Day (5.31.2020) World Reef Awareness Day (6.1.2020) I Love My Dentist Day (6.2.2020) Love Conquers All Day (6.3.2020) Cheese Day (6.4.2020) Hot Air Balloon Day (6.5.2020) Family Recreation Day (6.6.2020) And, we're serving these ideas plated in various styles to fit your needs. Download Your June Calendar Calendar - See the whole month at a glance. Weekly Posts - Detail rich with bonus ideas. Subscribe to get them delivered right to your inbox (Submit your email in the box on the side panel.) Browse the four recent weekly posts here (ideas never expire): May 24th - May 30th May 17th - M