July Week 1 | An Idea for Every Day

(Updated 6/3/2022) Oh my goodness, leaders. I cannot even believe July is already upon us. I'm not ready for it. How has your summer been so far? We'd love to hear about it! Our last week was stressful. It was the week of the surgery mentioned in the last, "Idea for Every Day," post. But, we're happy to report the surgery was successful and, while we're still praying through recovery, it feels as though a heavy weight's been lifted. I'm sure you can relate. Talk about lifting spirits, next week ends on Fourth of July! Can you believe it? Of course we included it! How could we not? Check out the line-up (click the link to hop to the desired day): Descendants' Day (6.26.22) Camera Day (6.29.22) Meteor Watch Day (6.30.22) U.S. Postage Stamp Day (7.1.22) I Forgot Day (7.2.22) Compliment Your Mirror Day (7.3.22) Independence Day (7.4.22) And we're plating them in the following ways: July Calendar – Ideas at a glance with clickable lin...