Thank Goodness It's Monday Day | JOY for Today

We all know about TGIF, but what if this year we also became TGIM people? We're talking JOY all throughout the week, people! JOY for Today Offerings: Did You Know... Five we didn't. Wolfe Stew Connects To valuing Mondays. Bible Verses and Quotes For Monday motivation. Activity Suggestions Welcoming students back, Would you rather, Family challenge Last Year's Post : New Year's Day Did You Know: Monday is the best day to buy a car? If you avoid the weekends when salespeople are busy you will get more attention, close the deal faster, and perhaps negotiate a better price by car shopping on a Monday. ( The Fact Site & US News ) Stock market traders note and utilize a Monday effect? The Monday effect suggests that if a stock is falling on Friday, it will continue to fall on Monday but if it was rising on Friday, it will continue to rise on Monday. ( Investopedia ). Monday means "day of the Moon"? In Latin, day of the Moon is the literal translation. H...