Isaiah 66 | The Wolfe Notes

Welcome, Family! We've reached the end of our Isaiah 2024 study! It's been a year of learning together at the feet of Jesus, and while we still don't have it all figured out, (In some cases we are even more confused.) we have thoroughly enjoyed discovering more about God in this beautifully written prophetical book. Download December's calendar to follow along with us and witness what we uncovered in our weekly " Wolfe Notes " postings. Contents: Different Versions Noting and clarifying differences between KJV & TLV . Annotation My thoughts, connections, clarifications, and questions. Research On the worm that doesn't die. Summary An approximately twenty-word overview of the chapter. Memorize Why I chose to memorize Isaiah 66:13. Cross References Of Isaiah 66:13. Respond to God's justice. Different Versions I read Chapter 66 in the King James Version ( KJV ) and the Tree of Life Version ( TLV ). The KJV is a...