
Showing posts with the label Communication

July Week 3 | An Idea for Every Day

(Updated 7/7/2022) If you're looking for ways to celebrate every day with your learner, we've been stewing on some ideas for you. We've chosen holidays for every day this third week of July and paired them with academic, social emotional, and just plain fun activities for you and your learner.   We'd love to hear from you! If you find an activity you really enjoy, let us know. Perhaps you make an adaptation that added depth, variety, or fun - we'd love it if you'd share. Did one of these activities just not work? Or perhaps you found a better one. We'd like to hear about it so we might make our list even better. After all, a stew improves with variety of ingredients and depth of flavor. The flavor you have to add is what our stew is lacking. To get in touch with us - find us on social media (buttons at the bottom of post), email us ( or or leave a comment at the bottom of this post. Here's a list of the daily holidays r

June Week 3 | An Idea for Every Day

(Updated 4/18/2022.) This is it: the week of my birthday. It’s funny how when we get older, birthdays don’t mean as much. It’s just another number, another year, another day. But it does provide an opportunity to reflect. The first time I felt a loss to my youth was on my thirtieth birthday when reminded I was no longer a “twenty-something.” Then again as Harry Potter hit its 20 th anniversary. Seriously, how has it been that long!?! Time passes so much faster as an adult. What makes you feel time’s speed? Check out the line-up we have for you this week (click each link to jump to details about that day): Flag Day (6.14.2020) Electricity Day (6.15.2020) Fresh Veggies Day (6.16.2020) World Croc Day (6.17.2020) International Picnic Day (6.18.2020) Pets in Film Day (6.19.2020) Summer Solstice (6.20.2020) And remember, we’re serving it to you several ways. Choose what works best for you. June Calendar : An at your fingertip reminder of what days are approaching

February | An Idea for Every Day Calendar

It's nearly here - that month of cupids, presidents, and groundhogs. What's your favorite holiday in February? Are you the type that lives for or dreads Valentine's Day each year? Me? I've always loved Valentine's. I don't care if it really is just a holiday invented by greeting card companies to line their pockets in the Christmas to Easter slump. For me, I'm all in. Why? Because love is always worth spreading around. However, if you're not into Valentine's Day, there are twenty-eight other holidays to choose from this upcoming month. Why not set a new tradition? Sink your teeth into one of these: Above is only an image.  For a downloadable copy with clickable links, click here . We encourage you, for this month of February, to find one national day that piques your interest. Just one. Then, choose an appropriate activity for your learners and do it! If you feel compelled, we would love to hear how it went.   Below, find some of the ide