
Showing posts with the label June

June Week 3 | An Idea for Every Day

(Updated 4/18/2022.) This is it: the week of my birthday. It’s funny how when we get older, birthdays don’t mean as much. It’s just another number, another year, another day. But it does provide an opportunity to reflect. The first time I felt a loss to my youth was on my thirtieth birthday when reminded I was no longer a “twenty-something.” Then again as Harry Potter hit its 20 th anniversary. Seriously, how has it been that long!?! Time passes so much faster as an adult. What makes you feel time’s speed? Check out the line-up we have for you this week (click each link to jump to details about that day): Flag Day (6.14.2020) Electricity Day (6.15.2020) Fresh Veggies Day (6.16.2020) World Croc Day (6.17.2020) International Picnic Day (6.18.2020) Pets in Film Day (6.19.2020) Summer Solstice (6.20.2020) And remember, we’re serving it to you several ways. Choose what works best for you. June Calendar : An at your fingertip reminder of what days are approaching

June Week 2 | An Idea for Every Day

(Updated 4/14/2022.) Welcome back, friends!  What a start June got off to, am I right? Someone mentioned that if the events of 2020 were submitted as a screenplay proposal, it likely would end in rejection - too unbelievable. It's true. The events through which we're living feel like the plot of a novel packed with one unfathomable event followed by another. But, you're here, reading this. I'm here, writing this. We're in this together. And together we can move forward seeking the joy in each moment, choosing to act in love and learning to forgive - even when forgiveness seems impossible.  This morning I read this Proverb: Photo by Jess Bailey via Pexels I don't know what you're going through. I don't know the bitterness in your heart. I don't know how extremely difficult it might be for you to forgive. But there's this truth: forgiveness is not for others. It's not about saying what they did was okay - NOT AT ALL. Forgiveness is for ourselv