
Showing posts with the label March

Get Over It Day | JOY for Today

(Updated 2/15/2024) Each moment we choose misery or JOY. Get Over It Day is a great chance to practice choosing JOY, to cast negative thoughts aside and open the window to let JOY in. Tell yourself to "GET OVER IT," and remember that you deserve JOY. Photo shared by Humaied Ullah via Pexels "Getting Over It" Thoughts: Did You Know...  Facts about ruminating. Wolfe Stew Connects  With "Getting Over It" Bible Verses and Quotes  About choosing contentment. Activity Suggestions  To help "Get Over It" UPCOMING HOLIDAYS: National Good Samaritan Day (March 13th Annually) St. Patrick's Day (March 17th Annually) Spring Equinox (Changes Annually - Usually March 19th or 20th) Did You Know: The word for dwelling on a negative event is ruminating? While people who suffer depression and anxiety commonly ruminate, all of us are likely to now and again - especially following a stressful experience. Co-ruminating is when you continuously rehash the event...

Ash Wednesday | JOY for Today

(Updated 3.9.2023) Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent: a period of reflection and self-denial in preparation for Easter. While this day is not meant to be JOYful, we know of the JOY that's coming and it soothes our soul. Living in JOY is a way of life, we can be JOYful in periods of mourning and periods of solemn reflection because we know the source of our JOY. Furthermore, periods of self-reflection and self-denial are restorative and redemptive practices that make room for more JOY.  Dirt Texture picture by Daniel Smith at Public Domain Pictures Ash Wednesday Offerings Did You Know  Four we didn't. Wolfe Stew Connects  To fasting. Bible Verses  Inspired by Ash Wednesday. Activity Suggestions  About fasting, lent, and humility. Did You Know: Ash Wednesday takes place 40 days before Easter not counting Sundays? It marks the beginning of Lent, a 40-day period of fasting in preparation of Easter that mirrors the 40 days Jesus fasted ( Matthew 4:1-11 ) be...

March 2022 | Blank, Holiday, and Personal Growth Calendars

Are you ready to March into a restart? Three months into 2022 and we bet you're ready for something new. There's no time like spring to renew your goals and RESTART your habits. Here's what we're offering on the March 2022 Wolfe Stew menu: March 2022 GROWTH for Today Calendars Biblical Secular Blank 2022 Calendar   Bible verses  Inspirational Quotes If you're still craving ideas for EVERY day, find previous year listings below: March 2021   March 2020 Also, consider sampling our  JOY for Today  posts, where we aim to celebrate selected days throughout the year with you. March 2022 GROWTH for Today Calendars These "GROWTH for Today" calendars are new in 2022! Choose from a  faith-based  or  secular  perspective. Set aside time each day to do the activity and GROW to RESTART with us.   (Scroll down for faith-based version.) Whether you choose the  Biblical  or  secular  calendar, the theme and goal of March 2022 are t...

March 2021 | An Idea for EVERY Day

(Updated 3.23.2023) Welcome back, leaders! It’s nearly March, which means spring is right around the corner. To help you prepare for March with your learners, we’ve stewed on ideas for EVERY day for you. After selecting daily holidays, we surfed the web to pair them with free educational or family activities for you. This month, we’re providing the calendar with links to all daily ideas AND a selection of five we review for you. That way, if you only want a few to do, we’ve done some choosing for you. First, here’s March’s “Idea for EVERY Day” Calendar. Browse it, click on a few links, jot a note (or two) of what you want to do, print it as a visual reminder, bookmark it to come back to later, keep it wherever you plan. Then, when you’re wondering, “Hey, what fun (different, engaging, relevant) thing could I do today?” Take a glance and consider what we’ve stewed on for you. Here’s your 2021 March Idea for EVERY Day Calendar . (The top version is scrollable and clickable; the bot...