Get Over It Day | JOY for Today
(Updated 2/15/2024) Each moment we choose misery or JOY. Get Over It Day is a great chance to practice choosing JOY, to cast negative thoughts aside and open the window to let JOY in. Tell yourself to "GET OVER IT," and remember that you deserve JOY. Photo shared by Humaied Ullah via Pexels "Getting Over It" Thoughts: Did You Know... Facts about ruminating. Wolfe Stew Connects With "Getting Over It" Bible Verses and Quotes About choosing contentment. Activity Suggestions To help "Get Over It" UPCOMING HOLIDAYS: National Good Samaritan Day (March 13th Annually) St. Patrick's Day (March 17th Annually) Spring Equinox (Changes Annually - Usually March 19th or 20th) Did You Know: The word for dwelling on a negative event is ruminating? While people who suffer depression and anxiety commonly ruminate, all of us are likely to now and again - especially following a stressful experience. Co-ruminating is when you continuously rehash the event...