
Showing posts with the label PreK-6

Love People Day | JOY for Today

To love and be loved - a surefire recipe for JOY. It takes time, commitment, and effort, but the outcome is beyond worth it! JOY for Today Offerings: Did You Know...  Facts about love in the Bible. Wolfe Stew Connects  To the difficulty with loving everyone, always. Bible Verses and Quotes  About loving others. Activity Suggestions : Love notes; Love languages; Book list; Would you rather...?; Family challenge. UPCOMING HOLIDAYS:   World Communion Sunday (10/6/2024 - October's First Sunday) Inner Beauty Day (October 7th Annually) Columbus Day (10/14/2024 - October's Second Monday) Did You Know: There are seven words for love used in the Bible? The four Hebrew words for love from the Old Testament are: ahava/aheb (similar to our meaning of love; used 209 times), hesed (we translate as lovingkindness but more deeply denotes a covenantal love; used 247 times), racham (compassion, love between parent and child, infinite love; used 47 times), dod (commonly used to mean uncle, bu

October 2024 | Calendars

O-o-o-o-o-October. The month that tries to scare us. But we're not scared. No. We face a classroom of littles daily who stare directly into our faces and firmly tell us, "No!", in response to a gentle request; who hit other kids right in the face because they were too close; and who start crying uncontrollably because suddenly they miss their mom. No, we're not scared. Yet, truth be told, sometimes we are. Maybe we can face these kids seemingly confident, but on the inside, we're full of doubt. Like, "Please let this technique work, because I don't know what I'm going to try next if it doesn't." Or, "Do they know how much I actually care about them?" How about, "When others watch me, are they judging my response, or do they get it?" And the persistent one, "Are my efforts really getting anywhere?" The thing is, each day, you are serving those littles. You are using every tool you've been given to help them al

Collect Rocks Day | JOY for Today

Rocks and humans have a shared history. Early humans found shelter in caves and recorded their histories on the walls. Today we use rocks in endless applications. Your rock collection may be conventional: a display in your home or the border for your garden. Or your rock collection may be unconventional: reapplied to your face daily or reflected in the smiles of the people you meet, but you do have one. And, after connecting with the ideas in this post, we're hoping that your rock collection will bring you even more JOY! Gemstones by byrev at Pixabay . JOY for Today Offerings: Did You Know...  Five facts about rocks. Wolfe Stew Connects  To God's rock collection. Bible Verses and Quotes  Inspired by rocks. Activity Suggestions : Start a rock collection, learn about rock formation, read books about rocks, share opinions about rocks, and go on a rock walk. UPCOMING HOLIDAYS:   International Day of Peace (September 21st Annually) Fall Equinox (September 22, 2024 - Changes Annual

September 2024 | Calendars

 Hey Leaders!  Have you met your new learners yet? Or are you still frantically  calmly and collectedly preparing for their arrival?  We're one full week and two days into the 2024-2025 school year here, and it feels like every other school year beginning. How do we forget so quickly what these learners are like at the beginning of the year? There really is nothing quite so humbling as realizing you don't have it all together, no matter how well you plan. Thankfully, we have one another. Don't be afraid to admit your struggles and celebrate other leaders' victories. Every moment is an opportunity for a fresh start. So take that breath, remember He is with you, strengthening you, and start again. If you are looking for some fresh ideas for September, browse our 2024 offerings: September 2024 Ideas for  Every  Day Calendar  (family friendly, educational)  September 2024 Growth for Today Calendar  (personal growth, Isaiah study) Blank 2024 Calendars   Bible verses  Inspira

August 2024 | Calendars

Leaders! It's already back-to-school time!!  I hope you have had a summer full of relaxation and fulfillment, and that August's arrival finds you refreshed and revitalized. But, if you're anything like me, you wish you could slam the brakes on summer and rest here a little longer. I keep looking for that pause button. I haven't found it yet though, so I keep moving forward.  That's what we're called to do: to be faithful in today ( Hebrews 3:13 ). To do our best in each moment, and if a moment fails, commit to doing better in the next ( Ephesians 6:7 ). To face tomorrow with hope knowing the future is held in the hands of our Maker ( Jeremiah 29:11 ). To interact with love for others because we know the love God has for them by how well He loves us ( John 13:34-35 ). And to keep marching because we know we are where we are right now for a reason ( Philippians 3:17  & Ephesians 2:10 ). I'm here to encourage you in your faithful walk, just as I hope you

Go West Day | JOY for Today

All of us are on a quest for JOY. One of the ways people in early America sought it was to "Go West!" West was the land of opportunity, freedom, and adventure. What is your West today? What are you doing to find JOY? Go West Day | July 13th Annually JOY for Today Offerings: Did You Know...  Five facts about the American West. Wolfe Stew Connects  To the command to "Go!" Bible Verses and Quotes  Inspired by opportunity. Activity Suggestions : Write ads, identify rules, design hats, discuss questions, and encourage  opportunity-taking. UPCOMING HOLIDAYS:   Give Something Away Day (July 15th Annually) National Ice Cream Day (July's Third Sunday) Gorgeous Grandma Day (July 23rd Annually) Did You Know: Horace Greeley is credited with the phrase, "Go West, young man"? Editor of the New York Tribune , Greeley wrote a letter in 1871 to a young man seeking career advice telling him to "Go West!" as this was the place where workers were wanted. Thou