
Showing posts with the label Family Time

Tell a Fairy Tale Day | JOY for Today

What's your favorite fairy tale? What part of it brings you JOY? Now, find a way to connect that JOY to your life. While you may not encounter any dragons, fairies, or poisoned apples today, we do believe your happily ever after is coming. JOY for Today Offerings: Did You Know...  Three we didn't. Wolfe Stew Connects  To a fairy tale life. Bible Verses and Quotes  About fairy tales. Activity Suggestions  for telling and discussing fairy tales. Last Year's Post : Ash Wednesday Day (46 days before Easter) Did You Know: Fairy tales are not just for kids? Fairy tales, loosely defined, are stories with mythical creatures, a plot centered on good versus evil, and are told from generation to generation. Some fairy tales are written with children in mind, and others for adults. Many of the popular fairy tales we know today were originally written for adults but altered for children. ( American Literature   and Love to Know ) The Grimm Brother's tales and Hans Christian Anderson

Be Humble Day | Joy for Today

The JOY of the Lord is our strength! ( Nehemiah 8:10 ) A choice to be humble takes great strength. So, it is a good thing that God offers you abundantly more than you can ever imagine! Let us trust in Him to help us lead and love in humility. JOY for Today Offerings: Did You Know...  One we did; four we never considered. Wolfe Stew Connects  To the model of humility. Bible Verses and Quotes  About humility. Activity Suggestions  to practice and discuss humility. Last Year's Post : Presidents' Day (February's Third Monday) Did You Know: Humility is often considered a negative character trait?  Commonly, people believe a humble person is self-degrading, insecure in their abilities, and lacks passion. Because of these misconceptions, workers who display humility are less likely to be promoted. Yet, in actuality, humility characterizes a person whose abundant confidence enables them to help others, allowing their actions to speak for them. ( Forbes ,  Time , and Aleteia ) Humbl

National Inventors' Day | JOY for Today

Think of all the inventions that bring you JOY! Name one you would not want to imagine life without. God is good. We are surrounded by so many wonderous, marvelous things and blessed beyond measure. In all the marvel of this world, let's not take the true source of JOY for granted. JOY for Today Offerings: Did You Know...  Five we didn't. Wolfe Stew Connects  To overcoming distraction. Bible Verses and Quotes  About inventing. Activity Suggestions  Invention, research, writing, and discussion opportunities. Last Year's Post : Pizza Day (February 9th Annually)  Did You Know: A calligraphy college course led to early Macintosh success?  Steve Jobs, inspired by these classes, helped create a computer with beautiful typography that allured many purchasers and altered typefaces indefinitely. ( Mental Floss , Calligraphy Museum  and Smithsonian Mag ) It took 11 years for Tetris' inventor to receive royalties on it? Inventor Alexey Pajitnov created the game as test software fo

National Inspire Your Heart with Art Day | JOY for Today

(Updated 12.7.2023) We, formed in the image of God, were made to create. It is the cry of our hearts, an act of worship, a way to find understanding amid chaos. Through the creation process we come to understand ourselves, our world, our creator. Ultimately, understanding ushers in JOY unspeakable. Painting by the Mr.'s Grandmother JOY for Today Offerings: Did You Know...  One we didn't; four we did in theory. Wolfe Stew Connects  To The Creator. Bible Verses and Quotes  About creating. Activity Suggestions  Art prompt; Art integration; Would you rather; Family challenge UPCOMING HOLIDAYS: Groundhog Day (February 2nd Annually) Pizza Day (February 9th Annually) National Inventors' Day (February 11th Annually) Did You Know: Creating is tied to being human? Cave wall art displays 39,900-year-old evidence of human creativity in the form of hand outlines and animal sketches. What's more, human creativity contributes to survival in the form of tools, shelter, cooking, and

Library Shelfie Day | JOY for Today

An image of your personal library, or a favorite shelf in a public library, hints at what fuels your JOY. So, snap a shelfie that will document what your interests and passions were on this day in your personal history. Then, connect with someone over what fuels their JOY. It will work today as it has worked in times gone by. Personally, I would like a glimpse at what books Paul (the author of the following verse) asked Timothy to grab. JOY for Today Offerings: Did You Know...  Five we didn't. Wolfe Stew Connects  To being detectives. Bible Verses and Quotes  About books. Activity Suggestions  Organization, speaking and listening, critical thinking, opinion writing, would you rather, and family challenge Last Year's Post : Spouses Day (January 26th Annually)  Did You Know: A secret door, disguised as a bookcase, was a fixture in Charles Dickens' house?  One title on the fake bookcase was The Life of a Cat which appeared in nine volumes. ( Interesting Literature   & Lit

National Popcorn Day | Joy for Today

Popcorn is popping. The microwave beeps. JOY arrives as hot, buttery kernels mounded in a bowl. Maybe you share the popcorn with loved ones as you watch a movie. Or maybe you savor those morsels of heaven for yourself. Either way, we hope you do not overlook the offer of JOY popcorn extends. JOY for Today Offerings: Did You Know...  Five we didn't. Wolfe Stew Connects  To provision under pressure. Bible Verses and Quotes  Related to popcorn. Activity Suggestions  Movie Lists, Science, Writing, Art, Would You Rather..., and Family Challenge Last Year's Post : Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (January's Third Monday) Did You Know: There are two different shapes of popcorn?  Popcorn comes in mushroom and snowflake (or butterfly) varieties. Movie theaters typically sell the snowflake style, because they are bigger. Next time you eat popcorn, see what shape yours is. ( Fact Retriever ) Popcorn kernels grow to 30 times their original size?  The popcorn pops successfully depending on t

National Vision Board Day | JOY for Today

Having a vision means having a purpose. It gives you something to work toward and helps direct your goalsetting. Knowing your purpose, your vision, and where to focus your goals brings JOY. January 14, 2023 JOY for Today Offerings: Did You Know...  Three we didn't. Wolfe Stew Connects  To choosing a focus. Bible Verses and Quotes  For having a vision. Activity Suggestions  Individual and collaborative vision boards; Would You Rather questions Last Year's Post : Make Your Dream Come True Day (January 13th Annually) Did You Know: Vision boards are image centered?  While your vision board can include words, generally pictures dominate to remind you of your vision at a glance ( Psychology Today ) The more you see something, the more you like it?  Psychologists refer to this phenomenon as the mere exposure effect. Studies support the observance of this effect in people, words, and music. ( Simply Psychology ) You likely have a version of a vision board already? A picture of your fam