Valentine's Day | JOY for Today
(Updated 1/25/2024) While Valentine's Day is met with mixed emotions, I see it as a celebration of LOVE: love of God, love of others, and love of self. There is never enough love to go around. So, let's find JOY for today in giving and receiving love. Hearts image from Pixabay . Valentine's Day Offerings Did You Know... Five Valentine's Day facts Wolfe Stew Connects To love. Bible Verses and Love Quotes About love. Activity Suggestions To show love to others, to remind yourself you deserve love, to create an environment of love, and to connect with God's love. UPCOMING HOLIDAYS: Ash Wednesday (Changes Annually - 46 days before Easter) Singles Awareness Day (February 15th Annually) Presidents' Day (February's Third Monday) Did You Know: There are three Saint Valentine legends? First, there's the Valentine who married soldiers despite Emperor Claudius II's decree to keep them single. Second, Valentine of Terni lived his life supporting marri