
Showing posts with the label Joy for Today

Valentine's Day | JOY for Today

(Updated 1/25/2024) While Valentine's Day is met with mixed emotions, I see it as a celebration of LOVE: love of God, love of others, and love of self.  There is never enough love to go around. So, let's find JOY for today in giving and receiving love. Hearts image from Pixabay . Valentine's Day Offerings Did You Know...  Five Valentine's Day facts Wolfe Stew Connects  To love. Bible Verses and Love Quotes  About love.  Activity Suggestions  To show love to others, to remind yourself you deserve love, to create an environment of love, and to connect with God's love. UPCOMING HOLIDAYS: Ash Wednesday (Changes Annually - 46 days before Easter) Singles Awareness Day (February 15th Annually) Presidents' Day (February's Third Monday) Did You Know: There are three Saint Valentine legends? First, there's the Valentine who married soldiers despite Emperor Claudius II's decree to keep them single. Second, Valentine of Terni lived his life supporting marri

Pizza Day | JOY for Today

(Updated 1/4/2024.) Any way you slice it, pizza delivers JOY. The crust smiles at you, the cheese melts your heart, and the toppings are uniquely yours. Embrace this culinary delight with us as we declare: National Pizza Day | February 9th Annually Pizza Menu Did You Know...  Facts about pizza. Wolfe Stew Connects  To pizza preferences. Bible Verses and Pizza Quotes  Inspired by pizza. Activity Suggestions  Learn fractions, cook, note preferences, and hold a family cook-off. UPCOMING HOLIDAYS: National Inventors' Day (February 11th Annually) Valentine's Day (February 14th Annually) Singles Awareness Day (February 15th Annually) Did You Know: Pizza, in some form, has existed since the BC's? Flatbread once served as edible plates. On these "plates", the diner would position toppings, and then eat the "plate" and toppings together - like a pizza. This method of eating was mentioned in Virgil's Aeneid. Aeneid was written around 19 BC . The modern piz

Groundhog Day | JOY for Today

(Updated 1/19/2024) " Groundhog " by Maureen Farrelly at Public Domain Pictures Find JOY today in an annual tradition that, though somewhat silly, brings HOPE to many! Dare to HOPE that warmth will rise again in your life. Groundhog Offerings: Did You Know...  Facts about Groundhog Day Wolfe Stew Connects  To hope. Bible Verses  About the changing of the seasons. Activity Suggestions  Make predictions, watch the event, have a snack, research, and create art. UPCOMING HOLIDAYS: National Pizza Day National Inventors' Day Valentine's Day Did You Know Groundhog Day is: Also known as Imbolc (Pagan) or Candlemas (Christian)? A good marker of the seasons? Set halfway between winter solstice and spring equinox, it logically makes sense to position season-ending forecasting efforts here. Not the original way people would predict winter's end? To Christian Candlemas observers, a sunny Candlemas day foretold 40 more days of winter. A custom brought to America by the Germa

Celebrate Your Spouse | JOY for Today

(Updated 12/29/2023) Spouses Day | January 26th Annually A spouse is the person you do life with, a permanent fixture often overlooked. Today, take time to celebrate that person walking hand-in-hand through life with you. Rejoice in your marriage! Spouse Celebration Offerings Lessons from Spouses   Wolfe Stew Connection Bible Verses and Quotes Activity Suggestion  (for spouses, families, or classrooms) UPCOMING HOLIDAYS: National Inspire Your Heart with Art Day (January 31st Annually) Groundhog Day (February 2nd Annually) National Pizza Day (February 9th Annually) Lessons from Spouses Priscilla and Aquilla  - a Biblical couple who worked side-by-side making tents and ministering. The lesson I want to learn from them: live a daring life for God together .  Mary and Joseph - the mother and father of Jesus. The lesson I want to learn from them: face trials together to make your faith stronger . Pocahontas and John Rolfe  - the Powhatan princess and Jamestown colonist whose marriage br

Martin Luther King, Jr Day | JOY for Today

Martin Luther King, Jr. is a champion of the fight. To think of him is to know persistence. On this day, we honor him for who he was, the change he championed, and the hope he continues to enliven in all of us. Here are some ways we aim to honor him: Keen Facts about King   Wolfe Stew Connection Bible Verses and Martin Luther King Quotes Activity Suggestion Did You Know Martin Luther King, Jr... Wasn't named Martin at birth? When he was 6, his dad changed both their names from Michael to Martin after traveling to Germany and learning more about Martin Luther , the protestant reformist. Learned how to  politely demand respect from his father? When police officers would call his father "boy," Martin Luther King, Sr, would politely correct them. Enrolled in college at the age of 15 ? King skipped grades nine and twelve, then enrolled in Morehouse College - following in his father's footsteps - in 1944. Was voted class president in a mostly white class ? His senior class

Make Your Dreams Come True Day | JOY for Today

(Updated 12/15/2023.) Make Your Dreams Come True Day feels appropriate this time of year as many of us consider making changes and reviving projects we’ve let go. On Friday, we have a guest blogger from Well Parents sharing how to start an at-home business for all of you aspiring Mompreneurs out there. So, if this interests you, be sure to come back and check it out. But for now, we hope this post leaves you with JOY for Today and renewed hope in making your own dream come true. Check out the part of interest to you or read on through: Did you know...  Short summaries of real life success stories. Wolfe Stew Connects  To our own dream coming true Biblical Inspiration  A related Bible verse. Activity Suggestion  Steps toward reaching for your dreams. UPCOMING HOLIDAYS: National Vision Board Day (January 14th Annually) Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (January's Third Monday) National Popcorn Day (January 19th Annually) Did You Know:   J.K. Rowling manually typed out each

New Year's Day | JOY for Today

We believe there is merit to finding JOY in every day and reflecting on our past as we look forward to the future. To support commemoration of daily holidays in the classroom, as a family, or individually, we plan to sprinkle “blog”fetti here and there throughout your year. Each holiday post will feature: Facts about the holiday. Our personal connection to it. A Biblical tie in. An activity suggestion. Just click the link to what interests you or read on through. We are thrilled to celebrate our way through 2022 with you! Facts about New Year’s Day New Year’s celebrations are an ancient tradition, at least 4000 years old. The New Year used to be celebrated on the first day of spring (a.k.a. the vernal equinox). Emperor Julius Caesar of Rome named January the beginning of the year. Janus, January’s namesake, is a Roman god with two faces: one for looking back on the past and one into the future. We’d Love to Know: Which time of year do you think makes more sense for New Year’s celebra