
Showing posts with the label An Idea for Every Day

April 2024 | Calendars

An Easter-less April? It's odd, right? April usually comes bedecked in bunnies, eggs, and chicks, but not this year. This year, I suppose we'll switch to colorful umbrellas, smiling raindrops, and bright yellow flowers. Regardless, April remains coupled with Easter for me. What is your decorating theme this April, leaders? Will you stick with bunnies and chicks or will you change your theme? The truth is, your learners care less about the decorations and more about where you're leading them. So keep leading them to goodness and truth.  And if you want to sprinkle in a little JOY, we have a few ideas we hope will help you. Our April 2024 offerings include: April 2024 Ideas for  Every  Day Calendar  (family friendly, educational)  April 2024 Growth for Today Calendar  (personal growth, Isaiah study) Blank 2024 Calendars   Bible verses  Inspirational Quotes April 2024 Ideas for EVERY Day View the  current month's calendar   at the Learnin...

March 2024 | Calendars

There are a lot of things about March that are not fair: like cold weather staying around when we're ready for warmth; like the radio announcer talking about summer when it isn't yet spring; like preparing learners for state testing when there are so many other things you would rather be teaching. But, I suppose, what is fair is a matter of who is judging. This March, I want to challenge you to resign from your position as Supreme Judge in the Kingdom of You and reinstate God to His rightful throne. Afterall, He is the only one qualified to truly judge fairly. It might mean handing your hurt to the healer and letting Him work. It might mean releasing your anger to Him so He can turn it to good. It might mean embracing the JOY in overwhelming circumstances because you choose to rest in His presence through them.  If you are determined to bring JOY into your home or classroom, even when you don't really feel like it, we have a few ideas for you. Our March 2024 offerings inclu...

February 2024 | Calendars

Leaders! It's cold here!! Is it cold where you are, too? Even though it is cold, we are finding warmth in sticking with our 2024 goals and even making new ones. We want to encourage you in keeping yours (and even making new ones), too. And, we want to remind you that what you pay attention to, matters. It shapes your thoughts, which shape your attitude, which then affects what you spend your time on, and how you treat others. So, we're gently suggesting that this February you spend time thinking about what you are focusing on and how it is affecting you . Then, if needed, make some adjustments.  If one of the things you'd like to focus on is bringing more JOY into your home or classroom, we have a few ideas for you. Our February 2024 offerings include: February 2024 Ideas for  Every  Day Calendar  (family friendly, educational)  February 2024 Growth for Today Calendar  (personal growth, Isaiah study) Blank 2024 Calendars   Bible verses  Inspiratio...

January 2024 | Calendars

It's nearly 2024! We hope that you are full of holiday cheer, in good company, and anticipating the new year with purpose. A new year brings opportunities for new starts, and we encourage you in considering a few. Our 2024 purposeful new starts include implementing basic math routines in the classroom, developing decluttering habits in the home, and reframing our thoughts to reflect Biblical truths in our personal lives. Know that whatever new routine you start, habit you work to develop, or practice you continue to rehearse, we're here encouraging you in maintaining your purposeful endeavors! If you're looking to start something new in 2024, we have a few ideas for you. Our Ideas for Every Day calendars offer daily holiday learning opportunities for the home or classroom and our Growth for Today calendars offer daily Bible study and personal growth opportunities for individual or group study.  To aid you in finding JOY in your home and classroom, our January 2024 offerings...

December 2023 | Calendars

I am ready for the rush of this year to slow down. How is it that I am sending out December calendars already? Didn't school just start yesterday?  If your year feels like it is speeding by too, perhaps we can slow it down by committing to experiencing the fulness of each moment. We are praying that you find God in each one and rest there. To aid you in finding JOY in your home and classroom, our December 2023 offerings include: December  2023 Ideas for  Every  Day Calendar  (family friendly, educational)  December 2023 Growth for Today Calendar  (personal growth, Bible-based) Blank 2023 Calendars   Bible verses  Inspirational Quotes December 2023 Ideas for EVERY Day View the  current month's calendar   at the Learning Lab Tab. Or download your  December 2023  through  OneDrive . View  archived calendars  on our JOY for Today page. Add " Would you rather... " questions into your daily holiday festivities...

November 2023 | Calendars

With November on the doorstep, our minds turn toward Thanksgiving, enjoying all that is left of autumn, and making meaningful memories for our learners. Where are your minds as November nears, Leaders? We are praying your November overflows in gratitude and all your reasons for grumbling subside. Let's commit to finding the JOY in every day. To aid you in finding JOY in your home and classroom, our November 2023 offerings include: November 2023 Ideas for  Every  Day Calendar  (family friendly, educational)  November 2023 Growth for Today Calendar  (personal growth, Bible-based) Blank 2023 Calendars   Bible verses  Inspirational Quotes November 2023 Ideas for EVERY Day View the  current month's calendar   at the Learning Lab Tab. Or download your  November 2023  through  OneDrive . View  archived calendars  on our JOY for Today page. Add " Would you rather... " questions into your daily holiday festivities this Nov...

October 2023 | Calendars

That chill in the air that signals autumn's arrival is one of my favorite things about this time of year. We're headed to the mountains this weekend and are hoping to see some fall foliage, hear elks bugling, and connect with God by escaping the distractions of life. It is so needed. How do you relax? How do you remember there is more to life than the demands for your time? We're praying this month you reconnect with activities that bring you peace and reprioritize what truly matters. Here's what we're offering on the October 2023  Wolfe Stew  menu: October 2023 Ideas for  Every  Day Calendar  (family friendly, educational)  October 2023 Growth for Today Calendar  (personal growth, Bible-based) Blank 2023 Calendars   Bible verses  Inspirational Quotes October 2023 Ideas for EVERY Day   View the current month's calendar   at the Learning Lab Tab. Or download your  October 2023  through  OneDrive . View  archived...

September 2023 | Calendars

With two weeks of school now under our belts we can safely say we still don't have it all together. I've been frantically leveling books and throwing together PowerPoints while the Mr.'s been trying to keep his cool (Literally because of the lack of air-conditioning.) while learning new curriculums, new students, new teammates, and a new school. I wonder, will we ever coast through the beginning of a school year or will it always start in a rush? What about you? Have you started yet or are you still in preparation mode? Whatever stage we find you, we are praying for you to find peace in the chaos and hope for your frustrations. Here's what we're offering on the September 2023  Wolfe Stew  menu: September 2023 Ideas for  Every  Day Calendar  (family friendly, educational)  September 2023 Growth for Today Calendar  (personal growth, Bible-based) Blank 2023 Calendars   Bible verses  Inspirational Quotes September 2023 Ideas for EVERY Day View ...