November 2023 | Calendars

With November on the doorstep, our minds turn toward Thanksgiving, enjoying all that is left of autumn, and making meaningful memories for our learners. Where are your minds as November nears, Leaders? We are praying your November overflows in gratitude and all your reasons for grumbling subside. Let's commit to finding the JOY in every day.

To aid you in finding JOY in your home and classroom, our November 2023 offerings include:

November 2023 Ideas for EVERY Day

Add "Would you rather..." questions into your daily holiday festivities this November to welcome even more JOY. 

Also, consider sampling our JOY for Today posts, where we celebrate selected days throughout the year by offering facts, connections, scripture, quotes, and activity suggestions. Check out these posts for upcoming November holidays:

November 2023 Growth for Today Calendar

Join us as we study the concluding poem of Proverbs 31. Men, before you run away, we know this applies to you, too. We analyze each verse from several perspectives, as wives, husbands, Christ's brides, and Godly wisdom. But first, we build background by defining words, reading commentaries, and working out our own interpretations. Twenty-two verses in 365 days. We are taking it slow by digging deep. Throughout this study, our prayer is that we better understand how to wisely interact with each other and God. If this sounds like a growth opportunity for you, we would love to have you join us. Just download the calendar (or bookmark this page) and jump in at any time. In November, we are training to be well-spoken.

We will post our Wolfe Notes weekly as a glimpse into our growth journey or as an opportunity to "catch up" on any days missed.

 Download your November 2023 GROWTH for Today calendar.

November's Focus

  • Trait: Well-Spoken
  • Verses: Proverbs 31:26 and 28

Weekly Overview

We provide structure and resources we found interesting but encourage you to go where the Holy Spirit leads. Ask questions, wrestle. Struggling through scripture with God shows your desire to learn. He promises to give us wisdom if we ask; so, ask (James 1:5). Seek and find. Keep your mind open to the Holy Spirit's leading and prepare to be remade. We're being remade right along with you!

BLANK 2023 Calendars

These blank calendars are yours to use as you please: for planning, scheduling, goal-tracking, or our monthly challenge (see below). You have your choice of monthly Bible verses or inspirational quotes

November 2023's challenge: Daily record kind words spoken in response to unkind ones.
Pumpkins make up the background of this November 2023 calendar that reminds us to be thoughtul.
Download your November 2023 Kid Friendly Calendar.

Leaders, YOU matter. What you say matters. With your words, you build, or you destroy. Choose your words with care. Speak life and be thankful you have the daily opportunity to do it.

Growing with You,


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