Proverbs 31: Week Fifty-Two | The Wolfe Notes
Welcome to week fifty-two of our Proverbs 31 journey. This week wraps up our yearlong study with topics including reflections, summaries, and a reexamination of godliness. If you'd like to return to one of our previous stops, let our "Wolfe Notes" guide you.
- In January we examined our value with the help of Proverbs 31 verses 10 and 29.
- In February we learned what uplifting means by looking at Proverbs 31:11 and 23.
- In March, we considered the virtue of respect by studying Proverbs 31:12 and 28.
- In April, we trained to be hardworking with Proverbs 31:13 and 19 as our instructors.
- In May, we saw what it takes to be resourceful by examining Proverbs 31:14 and 21.
- In June, we developed our caring muscle by exercising Proverbs 31:15 and 22.
- In July, we practiced being savvy with help from Proverbs 31:16 and 27.
- In August, we witnessed exemplary behavior outlined in Proverbs 31:18 and 31.
- In September, we found what being necessary looks like from Proverbs 31:20 and 24.
- In October, we exercised strength in Jesus from Proverbs 31:17 and 25.
- In November, we rehearsed being well-spoken by looking to Proverbs 31:26 and 28.
- In December, we reflect on becoming godly by looking to Proverbs 31:30 and the entire poem.
*As Christ's Bride, explain how the Church shows virtue.
*A Look at Roles Describe a helper and keeper's role in light of the poem.
*A Look at Roles Describe a helper and keeper's role in light of the poem.
*Godly Wisdom Share what this poem reveals about God's character.
*Top 3 revelations from this poem.*Dust Jacket for Proverbs 31.
*Application for Proverbs 31.
*Redefine Godly based on your examination of this poem.
*I am Godly because...
*As Christ's Bride
Explain how the Church shows virtue.
As Christ's Bride, the church:
- Submits to God because of:
- Who He is: God, Wisdom, strength.
- What He does. He cares, respects, and uplifts.
- Respect God because we:
- know He is valuable, necessary, and exemplary.
- have witnessed His hard works, wise decisions, and sampled the the supremacy of His resources
*A Look at Roles
Describe a helper and keeper's role in light of the poem.
A Helper,
- Submits to her keeper because:
- He leads her with strength, wisdom, and godliness.
- He displays his love through his caring acts, respectful treatment, and uplifting spirit toward her and others.
- Respects her keeper because she:
- knows the value necessity, and excellence of his leading.
- has witnessed the quality of his love in his diligent labor and decision making and found satisfaction in his purposeful provision.
*Godly Wisdom
Share what this poem reveals about God's character.
- He cares deeply and intimately for us.
- His actions are purposeful and for our good.
- A response of praise from us is not dutiful, but natural.
- His elaborate provision for us supplies everything we need and more.
*Top 3
Revelations from this poem.- I am not expected to be all of these things, all of the time. The only way I can ever show any of these traits wholly and completely is because of God working in me or when an overview of the church in its entirety is conducted - the entire body of believers working together to reflect God's image.
- This poem is a portrayal of Jesus, a model for me, and an idea of who we are becoming.
- God's love for us shines through in every verse. It shows how He cares for us privately and publicly in ways beyond our imagination because that is who He is. To His love, we respond in authentic, abundant, and unashamed praise to our Savior - how could we not?
- I am not expected to be all of these things, all of the time. The only way I can ever show any of these traits wholly and completely is because of God working in me or when an overview of the church in its entirety is conducted - the entire body of believers working together to reflect God's image.
- This poem is a portrayal of Jesus, a model for me, and an idea of who we are becoming.
- God's love for us shines through in every verse. It shows how He cares for us privately and publicly in ways beyond our imagination because that is who He is. To His love, we respond in authentic, abundant, and unashamed praise to our Savior - how could we not?
*Dust Jacket
for Proverbs 31.
Contained herein is a description of the perfect person - one you would be wise to partner with for life. A word of caution: as you read, refrain from imagining the perfect person is you. There is only one who matches this description and He cries out to become one with you.
The image I would pair it with, would be a woman standing in a prominent location in the midst of a crowd where she seeks their attention.
For Proverbs 31.
- In the past, I tried to AVOID studying the poem because I felt the pressure to be all these things and erroneously believed women who valued this poem thought they checked every box.
- Presently, I realize this poem's BEAUTY. It gracefully and truthfully showcases God's love. Why would I not bind myself to one so inviting, able, and good? He, the perfect one, the one to whom I will never measure up, wants to be bound to me! - to bring me good and not evil all the days of my life.
- In the future, I hope I do check off MORE of these virtues more consistently. I hope that I do come to glorify Christ more and more. And, that I find myself surrounded by a group of like-minded followers of Jesus, who have also chosen to bind themselves to Him.
*Redefine Godly
Based on your examination of this poem.
Though we continuously fall short, we persistently keep following with determination to reach the finish line where we will be eternally united with our Savior.godly: an imperfect representation of the I AM.
I am Godly
- Personally, I persistently pursue Him. Even though I get misguided, distracted, or doubt, I fight to find my way back.
- Relationally, I seek others to join me on this journey to the King and accept or offer correcting as discerned.
- Spiritually, my soul longs for You - the only place I know JOY, love, and peace. Why wouldn't I follow You? Why wouldn't I seek You?
Final Thoughts
What a year it has been! While I've spent the year studying this poem, I know it still has more to teach me. It encourages me to grow ever closer to my Savior who cares so completely and elaborately for me. I hear you calling out for me at the gates. I accept your offer. Give me Wisdom; give me more of You!
Growing with You,
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